Looking for Midweek Partners for Cheap Golf
I have recently been made redundant but have taken a temp job as a part time Postman. This gives me most afternoons and one full day off mid week. I have retained my membership at Southwood but on a pay and play basis rather than a season ticket as I have discovered the on-line booking sites.
How it works for me, I am notified on a Thus which day I will be off the following week, also on a Thus I recieve a members offer email from Teetimes.
I have played some good tracks for very little money but some of these will only accept a min of 2 players so if you would like to get together on courses within an hour of Farnborough (Hants) please contact me.
Reply : Fri 31st Jul 2009 18:07
Hi Graham
I've recently taken some lessons and would like to get onto a course. If you dont mind playing with a newbie, i'm available most days next week. I can be contacted on 01252 376494