Calling all High Handicap Golfers - HHC 2nd Event 09
Ladies and Gents
The High Handicap Tours 2nd Event for 2009 has been booked.
Its a return to the rather excellent 'West Midlands Golf Club' on Sunday 5th July 09.
Please continue to support the Tour, and register your interest today at
Look forward to seeing you again.
Reply : Sun 31st May 2009 10:11
More SPAM I see.
Reply : Tue 23rd Jun 2009 10:49
Stop refreshing Andy!!! I deleted the two repeats for you!
I'd like to play too (only 15 minutes from home) as it'll be a good sighter for the West Mids Open Qualifier the following week, but it will depend on whether the wife will let me
Reply : Tue 23rd Jun 2009 13:25
Gutted i cant play, I'll be down in Cornwall from Sat 4th July. Have a good one lads. For those that will have a long journey, it is well worth it. i travelled 2 hrs to get to the HHC1 event. Thoroughly enjoyed it as well.