Monday 20 April 2009
Does anyone fancy a game on Monday 20 April, early as you like in the West Mids, Worcester area.
We could get a game in at West Mids Golf Club as a practice round for the open qualifier!
Reply : Thu 16th Apr 2009 20:53
Same for me Dave, and I also played there yesterday. Greens are a little rough at the moment, mainly due to having recently had work done to improve them for the summer.
If you're available for a game on Monday, why not head down to Wokefield for the North v South? The North has slots and the South has a waiting list.
Reply : Fri 17th Apr 2009 00:59
not as desperate as the south david
or should i say we dont LOOK as desperate for a win as the south
Reply : Fri 17th Apr 2009 08:13
I'm making arrangements to get on the North side to assist with the 4 in a row!
Reply : Fri 17th Apr 2009 12:52
Be great if you can make it Dave. Hope to see you there!
Reply : Fri 17th Apr 2009 20:14
Can't make the West Mids Dave but I'm playing Newbold in Leamington Spa Monday afternoon about 2.30 if you cant get in on the N vs S