crookhill park, doncaster 02/04
got a t-time booked for Crookhill park at 8.20 in morning cost £14, if anyone is interested in joining there is 1 maybe 2 places spare. message me if your interested.
cheers stu
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 16:21
Would love to but a bit short notice for me
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 19:07
One of my fave courses, just a shame I'm 170 miles away.
Next time I'm up in Doncaster I'm going to make certain that I get a round of golf in here.
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 19:16
when your up next Russ just message me and we'll go for a knock.
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 20:24
gutted,would love to come for a knock but bleeding working till 4pm
and in this weather too
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 21:56
Stuart I certainly will give you a shout.
And I'm sure there are a couple more players up that way who have said the same to me, so we'll have a get-together.
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 21:59
As I said one of my fave courses.
The queue on the first tee all watching to see if you can hit your drive over the brow of the hill. You addressing your ball and hoping it gets over the brow of the hill (only about 100 yards away!)
The smell of the maggot farm near the 4th tee, 5th green, etc.
The long uphill par 3 8th with OOB's on your right hand side.
I can't wait, where's my car keys.