Anyone fancy a game on Sunday? Midlands area
I am Looking for a game on Sunday- not played since it last snowed and therefore need to get some practice. Started playing golf last August for the first time and looking forward to playing more now the weather is getting better.
Anyone interested in a game?
Reply : Tue 31st Mar 2009 00:33
I can do Sunday but would have to be a fairly early tee off, Hatchford brook okay? Course is in good condition at present.
If you cant make this Sunday I am free following week.
Reply : Tue 31st Mar 2009 13:18
Hi Martin/Steve, I can't do Sunday but very early Saturday would be fine, Hatchford Brook would be ok. By the way, don't expect me to ply as well as I did at Pipe Hayes, my game has gone dwn the drain at the moment!
Reply : Tue 31st Mar 2009 22:55
Sunday is good for me, I am actually playing tomorrow morning so whilst there I will book a Tee time for around 8am.
Will confirm time tomorrow.
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 10:48
I've got a monthly medal comp that sunday Martin, no worries.
By the way, if I'm missing any letters out on my posts its because I droppd a bag of doritos onto my laptop and some of th crumbs are stuck under the keys!
Reply : Wed 1st Apr 2009 13:13
Only morning Tee off I could book for Sunday was 7am, if it to early for you let me no but hopefully you can make it. At least it will be like millionaires golf with no one in front of us.
Paul - Hopefully we can meet up for around another time.