high handicap south
I have been reading the hhc blogs in the forum, what a great idea, but how many high handicappers want to travel for 2 hours if not more to try to play golf. i live in west sussex and like lee have annoyed all my low handicap friends to the point they have given up the game.
Are there any high handicappers in the south that want to play, either regular or just once. if we can get a few people together maybe we can create a north Vs south high handicap match.
Any one interested let me know and see what we can do.
Reply : Fri 9th Jan 2009 09:15
thanks wayne,
just thought there may be a few high handicappers south that wanted to play a bit more often.
just my experience of the southern golf so far is that there are not many events that i feel comfortable entering.
Reply : Fri 9th Jan 2009 09:58
I've got to be honest, I think playing in a HHC first is a good thing. It's a pretty level playing field and everyone is in the same position. I know when I played my first event (a non-HHC) I was really nervous, had a couple of bad holes early on, my head went down and I ended up having a mare and winning the wooden spoon. Fortunately I'm far too stubborn to give up but it could've meant the end of me entering comps.
Many of the guys who have entered a HHC have gone on to enter open comps on Golfshake and many of them, myself included, have seen their handicap dropping with the confidence they have gained.
Pick a course that you think would be suitable for a HHC Paul. Make sure it's not too challenging, reasonably open but a decent venue and give them a call to get an idea of costs and available dates. Then use the buddy search to find people with a 24+ handicap in say a one hour radius by searching by county. Send out a PM to them all asking if they would be interested in a HHC at the course and suggest a couple of dates. This will take a while but it's worth it as you'll hear back from about 50% of them and there'll be around a 30% take up.
Reply : Fri 9th Jan 2009 10:32
Paul, I have a suggestion which I will email you about or post here very soon.
If Wayne butts in about soon being 3 months, just ignore him, he's jealous because I've played the Brabazon last year and have more hair than him
Reply : Fri 9th Jan 2009 19:51
cheers guys
will send out some pms and see what sort of response i get, will also enter north v south so il meet some of you there
Reply : Fri 9th Jan 2009 21:02
Spooky Darren you know what Wayne is going to post before he's tapped his keyboard or is he getting predictable.
Reply : Fri 9th Jan 2009 21:29
Paul - I'd be interested in a HHC in the south east somewhere. I've also registered for the North vs South.
Last edit : Fri 9th Jan 2009 21:30
Reply : Sat 10th Jan 2009 21:32
that makes 2 of us now, i will send those pms later this week, sure there will be a few more
Last edit : Sat 10th Jan 2009 21:33
Reply : Fri 16th Jan 2009 15:28
Count me in if I can......
Reply : Mon 19th Jan 2009 17:32
I'm interested in any comps anyone puts together but just as much interested in playing as much as possible to get better - rain or shine. i am near Heathrow so up for meeting weekly, fortnightly or monthly to play different courses - and don't mind travelling up to 2hrs (or meeting in the middle somewhere).
I have also entered for the South team in the NvS.
Reply : Mon 19th Jan 2009 22:15
hi guys
now theres a few people interested anyone have any preference to when and where.
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 14:39
Anytime really with a bit of notice.
Perhaps somewhere around the Heathrow area? Has lots of transport links...
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 14:42
Can a 11 year old with a 26 handy cap go in or any of these
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 14:44
I don't see why not?
I wouldn't mind playing but if I loose.....
Your child might come home knowing a few more words of the dictionary, ahem...
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 15:18
These comps were originally set up for people like Nat, Heather. The idea was that higher handicappers could play in a friendly comp without feeling uncomfortable about how good the other players were because they were all of a similar standard. I played in 3 and they've been a great way to get people comfortable playing with others without feeling nervous. It would also get Nat used to competition formats with people he doesn't know, which will help him for the future.
Just don't expect him to come back with any tips on how to improve his game!
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 15:49
Thanks that would be great that is what Nat needs I am on my own his father used to take him up the range but has stoped doing so I have a feeling its because Nat is better than him. You would think his father would be proud of him rather than trying to hinder him. His father played a lot of tennis if it was tennis that Nat was intrested in it would be a different matter. Its all left to me I do not drive so have to take his clubs and troly on the bus. Have just had a argument with x about this so when he brings Nat back only has him for an 1 or 2 hours will have to get on the bus and take him up to the range. What is the use of paying £25 for 1/2 a hour coaching every week if he dose not get to pritice what his coach has told him. Sorry for the rant but you would think that his dad would be glad that Iam so intrested in sons golf as its usaly the fathers who take the intrest but I have on chose
Last edit : Tue 27th Jan 2009 15:51
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 15:56
Sounds as if you are doing a great job, Heather. I am sure that Nat appreciates all your effort.
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 16:04
Abolutely JP, sounds like shes doing a very good job!!
I'm sure we could help out with transport too Nat if he was to be interested in going to any comps we set up.
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 16:07
Don't worry Heather, when he's best mates with Tiger and Vijay he'll remember which of you supportted him in getting there and pay you back. You'll be a kept woman spending her days out shopping with Posh on Rodeo Drive!
Shame I'm not local as I would be more than happy to help out where I could.
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 16:08
Thanks I am just hoping that Nat dose not give up on his golf because of the lack of suport of his dad it would be such a shame
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 16:20
just had first round, off the back of this post, had 5 people turn up, not going to publish thier scores as its up to them, but i scored well over 100 but have played infront of strangers.
cheers guys
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 16:21
Also it dose not help that the boys at the golf club will not play with him between his dad and those boys his confidence is shattered which is such a pitty as he has such potential his father thinks he is getting at me by not taking Nat to the range but loser in this is Nat and in the end Nat will resent what his father is doing. Thanks for your suport.
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 16:27
Parents using the kids to try and get at the other - my ex has done it several times and, as you have said, the only ones to suffer is the kids. Mine are 14 and 16 now and they are seeing through the bull. Don't worry Heather, it may be tough at the moment but it'll be worth it in the long run and Nat will remember who supportted him and who didn't.
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 18:38
Well done Paul, I hope you had a good time. I think I'd better turn up to the next HHC event that's held in the south. Where did you end up playing?
Heather - sounds a shame that your son is having such a hard time with his golf...do any of his friends play...?
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 18:51
He has friends who play at his golf course but only really play in the summer hopefully when the weather gets wormer thney will start to play again
Reply : Tue 27th Jan 2009 19:01
matt played the lake and river at singing hills, good turn out, hopefully the first of many