Lahinch (Ireland) - 11:10AM Sunday 28 Sep (1 spot avail)
I am going with 11 of my friends to Ireland the weekend of 26-28 Sep. Due to a cancellation, we have paid for a 12th person on Lahinch on Sunday morning the 28th. This costs 165 Euros, but I'll offer a deal if you'd like to join us for that round. Wonderful course - a pity to waste the spot.
Let me know if you happen to be or live in the area and are interested.
Ted Leavitt
+44 (0)7808 937 658
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 14:47
Thought for a minute with only 109 people going you wouldn't miss 1, Ted!
Where are you going from?
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 14:54
Thanks for letting me know that my typing skills merit a bit of attention. Thus's just 11 of us.
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 14:59
It is a great course if someone can make it.