Newby Golfer needs help and advice
I'm very new to Golf and I have not played many games at all. I should be getting some golfing lessons very soon. Does anyone know where to get good golfing lessons? I'm originally from London but I have just moved to the West Midlands Oldbury/Dudley so I'm looking for a few friends to link up with for a round of golf and maybe a few beers. I may also join Dartmouth golf club so if there are any members who would like to link up then drop me a line. At this stage I'm not a serious golfer just looking to learn the game and meet a few friends. If any of you have any tips on how to get me started that would be great. I look forward to hearing from you.
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 09:42
Hi Chris, welcome on board. Though I live in Solihull I work in Wolverhampton and have played a few of the courses over that side of Birmingham.
If you're new to the game I suggest getting yourself grooved in at some of the local muni's before joining Dartmouth (you do know Dartmouth only has 9 holes don't you?). Hilltop is 5 minutes from M5 junction 1 and a good (and quite challenging) course, or there's Lickey Hills 10 minutes from M5 junction 4. You can join the Birmingham Link scheme and play any of their 7 courses at any time for £680 (or £60 per month). I've played 5 of them and play 4 regularly and they're all worth playing.
If you do want to join a private club, I suggest sending a PM to John Flood. He recently joined Handsworth after spending a long time looking for the right one for him in the same area as you. He wil be able to impart some wisdom and might save you some searching round.
I had lessons at Brandhall Golf Club; it's 5 minutes from junction 2 of the M5, just off the Wolverhampton Road so pretty local to you. The pro's name is Carl Yeates and his number is 0121 552 2195. He does five 30 minute lessons (usually get about 45 minutes though) which includes video analysis, plus a two hour playing lesson for £75. He has other offers as well, but that one is cracking value. Paul Williams who posts on here is a member at Brandhall so he may be someone to link up with in your area.
Let me know when you're available for games and we can link up for a round or two. Good luck and enjoy your golf.
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 10:10
Excellent information, Chris, should set him on the right path.
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 10:40
I can vouch for Carl at Brandhall as this is where I had my lessons when I first started & have recommended him to others (inc. Chris P).
I would hold back from joining a private golf course for now until you have had a few lessons, learnt a few rules of etiqutte (you will see from some of the forum posts on here how this can cause quite a wave of abuse etc). I would stick to the local muni's of which Chris P has suggested quite a few of which some are to a good standard. On these courses you will find similar people of similar standards & you can enjoy your round.
Reply : Wed 3rd Sep 2008 20:14
A local muni is a local municipal golf course which means it is open to everybody regardless of standards etc. You just book a tee time, turn up, pay & play.
Playing a nine hole course would be a good starting point & there a quite a few in the midlands - Harbourne & Warley Woods to name but a few.
Reply : Thu 11th Sep 2008 16:29
Chris, I can't believe you can play all of the muni's in Brum for £680 a year, thats astonishing value. I've played Lickey Hills, Cocks Moor Woods, Hatchford Brook and Widney Manor and have been very impressed with all so far, which are the other three? How much is it to join and be a member of just one of those courses?
I currently pay £495 per year for unlimited golf, official handicap, all the comps etc at Newbold Comyn and I thought that was good value for a municipal.
Reply : Thu 11th Sep 2008 17:35
Widney Manor is not a muni; it's a private course owned by the same people as West Mids Golf Club. The munis included are Lickey Hills, Cocks Moor Woods, Hatchford Brook, Pype Hayes, Hilltop, Boldmere and Harbourne Church Farm (9 holer). Pype Hayes (5 mins from M6 junc 5) and Hilltop (5 mins from M5 junc 1) are the best two in my opinion (not played Harbourne though). Having played Newbold Comyn, I think you would find Pype Hayes flat but good and Hilltop a real challenge.
They do three price plans (7 days, weekdays and reduced green fees). I think it works out if you take the monthly direct debit on the unlimted option (£60 per month) you need to play 45 18 hole games in a year to get your money back. I'm thinking of doing it and playing nine holes instead of going to the range as this would be better practice. Linky thing to all the prices below.
Reply : Fri 12th Sep 2008 15:10
Thanks Chris, I knew Widney was something to do with West Mids but thought it was a municipal judging by the state of the course when I played it a couple of weeks ago, just a bit rough around the edges thats all. Being a member of the brutal monster that is Newbold Comyn I've found the Birmingham courses that I've played so far a refreshing and fairer challenge.