anyone for a round .. London area?
I am looking for someone to play anywhere around the london area. I can play weekends. I dont have a handicap but i can go aroudn the course. i am not a member in any club but i can drive and willing to travel
Reply : Fri 4th Jul 2008 14:24
Hi Kostas, please try searching via the buddies section
or even try searching for societyies looking for new members from the groups and events section.
Regards, Darren.
Founder -
Reply : Fri 4th Jul 2008 16:04
I play Trent Park every weekend. But the next three weekends I'm in the USA playing golf near my family, etc. Let me know if you want to play. It's the only course that I know of that's accessible via tube as I have no car.
Reply : Tue 8th Jul 2008 13:21
Hi Kostas,
If you can get up to us and you're interested, you'd be welcome to join some other happy hackers having a friendly comp near Birmingham. Lowest handicap allowed is 25 so you won't feel out of place. Click on the link below to have a look and see if you're interested.