New Groups For You To Join!!!
Hi all,
We have just set up groups for all the different regions. This will make it easier to find playing partners in your region, and to arrange games. It will also make it easier to have tournaments within your own groups and then ultimately an inter region tournament to find the greatest group on golfshake!!
Check out your local one...
The East, The Midlands, The North, The South, The South East, The South West, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, International
There is also a seperate group for all of you ladies on golfshake
So get involved and make your regions group, the best on golfshake!!!
Reply : Thu 10th Apr 2008 10:10
As a general note, until you click "Return to golfshake" in the top right hand corner of the society page, you are still logged into that scoiety. So make sure you "return to golfshake" before trying to view any other scoiety pages!!!
Last edit : Thu 10th Apr 2008 10:10
Reply : Thu 10th Apr 2008 10:43
They can still join the "local" groups, it was just an extra group in case there are some women on here who like to play just with women, it makes ity easier for them to search. I certainly can do one....will do it now!!!
Reply : Thu 10th Apr 2008 10:46
There is now a North West group!!!
Reply : Thu 10th Apr 2008 10:47
..and a North East group!!!
Reply : Fri 18th Apr 2008 18:52
So Luke/Wayne it looks like nobody really wants the "Women Only" Group - I'm the only member on it (Other than Luke who is the Moderator).
That may well say it all!!
Reply : Tue 9th Sep 2008 08:57
Hi Paul. This has been discussed many times, on the forums, at other events, over the phone and within the golfshake offices. Thanks for bringing it up again and do keep the momentum going and get others interested
The only reason we haven't done anything to date is agreeing the format.
I too will now give this further thought, watch this forum and think about how we can getting this going for April 2009. Although April is usually the date for the North vs South annual event, so it may be May - Sep or something.
Wayne is also right and one of the keys to success is get the members involved. This hopefully helps to increase the area that the events take place.
Kind regards, Darren.
Reply : Tue 9th Sep 2008 10:50
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