Playing Partner near Ilkley/Bradford/north Leeds?
Hi there. I'm returning to the game after a long break. I'm based near Ilkley and looking for a playing/practice partner in the Skipton/Bradford/Keighley area. I've not yet joined a club but am looking to do so in time for the summer. (I used to play at Addingham). My mates who played now have kids and aren't allowed out much! I play off mid-20s. Be good to hear from you. Mike
Reply : Mon 26th May 2014 22:03
Did you see this York based society ? not sure if it's that close
Last edit : Mon 26th May 2014 22:03
Reply : Mon 21st Dec 2015 15:20
We've let the old forum slide of late but have now moved to a new & improved version. I'd highly recomment you register on the new forum and post your query there now >>
Last edit : Mon 21st Dec 2015 15:20