Sussex/Surrey/Kent Society
Hi, I have been playing social golf for about 3 years and would like to start playing in a society. I am in my early forties and live close to the Sussex/Surrey/Kent border. Can anyone recommend a well run society in my area that plays on a weekend and has a website I can look at? Thanks in advance. Phil
Reply : Tue 4th Dec 2012 19:22
Phil I live in crawley and play in the S & M golf society. They mainly play near the west side of M25. Normally 1/2 hour to 1 hour drive for me. They play decent courses and are a good bunch of lads. The handicaps are managed properly also. web site is Dave CAC handed Geordie.
Reply : Thu 6th Dec 2012 11:27
We have a Surrey Tour - The Race to Stoke Park starting from February... Details will be put up soon on the Golf Days UK website...
Reply : Tue 11th Dec 2012 09:34
Having been at the Golf Days UK Norfolk Tour Final event a few weeks ago, I would certainly recommend anyone local to the the new Surrey Tour to give it a try!