bucks/herts fancy a game. Any regular society meets?
looking for a regular early morning game sat/sun in bucks/hertfordsire area. im based in Tring but can travel, I am a high handicap but am happy to play with any ability. play with friends in bucks but not regularly as they work shifts and play during the week.
ive been looking for a local society etc but cant seem to find any, would be good to know of any active ones also.
bit about me, 28, work as a construction consultant in london, have a tendency to swear at bad shots (not too loud) but never throw clubs!
Reply : Sat 13th Oct 2012 18:11
Hi Mike, I might be up for a game - just sent you a PM.
Reply : Tue 23rd Oct 2012 21:44
likely joining a club in the area now as think that probably the best better for improving. Mentmore looks good but not sure what they will be after in terms of membership fees? sent an email and will visit on the weekend. Any other around this area worth a look, pref sub 1k?
Reply : Wed 24th Oct 2012 20:25
Yes was on the list and it's well priced. Might pop down on Saturday. Mentmore is looking like it will cost too much as I don't need the gym at present
Reply : Wed 10th Apr 2013 13:39
Bumping this up, as I only occasionally remember to check these forums.
I'm in Berkhamsted, and happy to play if anyone fancies a round.