golf in blackpool
is there anybody out there that would like to play a round anywhere in blackpool or close by as i have set up a season and tried arranging games but everyone seems to live miles away would join a club but cant afford the cheapest membership of nearly £600 in blackpool and thats a council course!!!!
Thanks in anticipation
Reply : Wed 21st Mar 2012 19:54
If you dont mind a bit of travel this could be of some interest to you
Reply : Sun 17th Jun 2012 09:25
Hi Stephen
me and my mate play all over in Blackpool from staining lodge stanley park north shore de-vere where ever we can get on and when we can get out we next out on Wednesday 20/6/12 morning around 9 am we try to shoot under 100 but are aim is to break the 90
Reply : Sat 23rd Jun 2012 16:59
Hi Stepten
I live in Cleveleys and I will play a round anytime you want if you fancy it