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Black Friday Deals - 28th November 2014

By: Golf Shake | Fri 28 Nov 2014

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We know it is a bit of an American thing - but Black Friday seems to be catching on over here - so were having our own Black Friday Sale.

The name apparently originates from retailers traditionally operating at a financial loss ("in the red") from January through November, and "Black Friday" indicates the point at which retailers begin to turn a profit, or "in the black". Who knows if this is true - but it's a good story! See our various offers below: Points4Golf Top up your points between 8am on Thursday 27 and 5pm on Sunday 30 November and receive 300 points for the price of 200 only ?495! 

5 Day Annual Membership
your 5 day membership to be redeemed during 1 March 2015 to 28 February 2015
NOW for ONLY £499, SAVING £200
- Not only the driest North 
Oxfordshire Club but NOW also probably best value 

December Dream Deal - saving you up to £24 each.
With Christmas getting closer and wallets being battered, 
we would like to help you by offering you a great deal at a great price: 

18 holes of golf,
coffee & bacon rolls
plus a FREE sleeve of golf balls! 

ONLY £21 weekdays (save £15 each) or £24 week ends (save £24 each) 
in December 2014-minimum of 8 players, pre-paid and booked by Sunday 30th November.


Call 01295 721818 to book this deal!

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