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Unique VC Golf Sport Headphones Offer Psychological Coaching Device

By: Golfshake Editor | Mon 23 Jan 2017

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In what is an innovative and revolutionary product, FX-Sport's unique VC Golf Headphones are set to provide golfers with tremendous insight into the depths of golf psychology, with an emphasis also being placed on practicing correctly and improving both on-course stamina and overall golf fitness.

These patented sport headphones are lightweight, water resistant and fit wire-free “on the ear.”  Complete with an integrated 8GB premium mp3 player, the VC Golf arrives preloaded with many hours' worth of psychological coaching, mental preparation, practice drills and workouts from cutting edge golf psychologists, coaches and trainers. Other workouts in different fitness categories are also packaged in VC Golf as a bonus feature.

"The VC Golf will allow a user to access world class advice for real-time practice on the driving range and on or around the green,” said FX-Sport founder Duncan Walsh. “It becomes a ‘go to’ device for pre-round physical and psychological warm-ups, as well as golf specific workouts to strengthen and improve balance and flexibility. The VC Golf is also a device that not only motivates a user to practice more but also provides guidance on how best to practice.  In addition, the VC Golf offers workouts in many other categories, appreciating the golfer as a ‘whole person.’”

VC Golf content provides invaluable insight into the mental game. Psychological experts teach golfers how to prepare, focus and implement mental toughness techniques during a round or in competition.  Additionally, for golf practice drills and workouts, the user can choose to have their own music play or have silence between the messages of instruction.  Messages play automatically at designated times as the user performs the drills.  VC Golf includes practices for “On the Driving Range,” “Around the Green” and “On the Green” (not the fairway).  Drills can range from 15-minute putting practices to 90-minute driving range practice combinations.  Often practices are designed to simulate a competitive scenario.

The VC Golf also arrives with many “Off the Course” audio podcasts from all the coaches.  Some examples are: “How to control your nerves under pressure;” “What to do when you start swinging poorly in competition;”  “The four possible outcomes of a shot and how you should handle each;”  “What to do when your ball lands in the rough;” “The power of visualization for every shot;” “Positive self-talk;” and “Pre-round psychological warm-ups.”

Many of the workouts can easily be performed at home.  A fitness screening test and warm-ups are also included.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, the 2008 LPGA National Teacher of the Year, provides her entire 30 day CARDIOGOLF challenge program. Each of Karen’s workouts has three levels of difficulty and the user is guided through everything by Karen. Dr. Mark Smith, an Advisory Board Member and instructor for TPI (the world's leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing), includes some of his high-intensity, short duration training protocols.


VC Golf’s psychologists include Dr. Morris (Mo) Pickens and David MacKenzie. Dr. Pickens is simply regarded as one of the best golf psychologists in the U.S. today. Dr. Pickens currently works with PGA TOUR professionals Zach Johnson, Stewart Cink, Kyle Reifers, Nick Watney, Blayne Barber and Michael Thompson. He has also worked with Lucas Glover, Kyle Stanley and Chris Stroud. While working with Dr. Mo, three players have won four major championships, with all players totaling 27 PGA TOUR victories.

Performance coach and scratch golfer David MacKenzie is founder of the highly acclaimed “Golf State of Mind.” Through years of research and thousands of interviews, David has created a successful system that develops mental toughness, improves emotional control and allows a player to quiet their mind during a shot.  His students include PGA TOUR and LPGA pros and top amateur and college golfers.

The VC Golf has a rechargeable five hours of battery life and retails at $199.00.  For more information about FX-Sport or to purchase the VC Golf headphone system, visit www.fx-sport.net or call +44 1158457046.


Tags: gear gadgets

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