Priors Winter League 2013
I am running a winter league on the Priors course at Stapleford Abbotts GC.
There will be one event each month starting in October 2013 and ending in March 2014.
I have added these games to the 'Games/Events' part of the forum.
In order to be crowned 'Champion' you must play in at least three events.
You do not have to play each game, if you want to join us for one game that is fine. All I will say is if number are tight I will have to give priority to those people who are.
Are day will start with tea/coffee and a bacon roll at the Priors course.
The first group will tee off at 10:30am for a 18 hole Stableford competition (full handicap).
I have prizes and trophies for the first two people. There will also be a wooden spoon for the person who is in last place!
The 18th hole (par 3 which is all carry over water, with OOB behind) will be our nearest the pin hole.
There will be a £2 sweep with 50% of the money going to the winner. 25% each will go to the person who has the best front and back nine (Overall winner cannot win the front or back nine).
I am still in the process of getting the trophies and prizes, but I'm estimating that the cost for each event will be £30.
Put your name down on the games list.
Reply : Sat 5th Oct 2013 11:33
I have to confirm the tee times with the golf club on Monday.
If you want to play then please add your name to the game.
Reply : Sun 6th Oct 2013 10:54
Direct link here to register for Game 1
Reply : Sun 6th Oct 2013 11:07
Thanks for putting up the link Darren, I should have thought of that!
This is not looking good.
Probably going to have to cancel due to lack of interest.
I'm really surprised at the low response.
Reply : Mon 7th Oct 2013 13:56
The first game will be going ahead on Sunday 20th October.
I have let the club know that I don't need all the tee times I booked.
So at the moment I have three places left.
This is a winter league and if you want to put a good score in then playing in October might be better than the other months!
Reply : Mon 14th Oct 2013 21:36
I'm in Russ possibly got 2 travelling up with me I'll ask them to register via GS. Looking forward to it. Col.
Reply : Tue 15th Oct 2013 13:18
Colin, I played the course last Saturday, after all the rain. It was in a good condition and should be for this coming Sunday's game.
At the moment we have six players, and only two places left. If you mates are going to attend get them to put their names down fast.
Reply : Sat 19th Oct 2013 21:17
The first game in the Priors Winter League is tomorrow (Sunday 20th October).
I played the course today and it's in a good condition.
We have three places left so if you fancy it come and join us.
I'll put the scores up tomorrow evening.